Medical AcupunctureMedical Acupuncture employs acupuncture needles to directly affect muscles, tendons, nerves, and joint capsules. The needles can be used on their own or in conjunction with electro-stimulus depending on the desired therapeutic effect.
"I've used electro acupuncture in situations where there is a very weak motor signal from a nerve to one of the muscles that it innervates. For example, I had a case where the client had atrophy in their infraspinatus muscle and had trouble externally rotating their shoulder against the force of gravity. This was a case where I employed electro acupuncture to stimulate the motor nerve for that muscle. This client was given a specific exercise protocol combined with two more visits and within two months, their infraspinatus muscle returned to strength and proper function." Results will vary between individuals. |
Fascia Stretch TherapyFascia Stretch Therapy is a table based assisted stretching treatment modality that targets the fascia (connective tissue). It is a pain free system that can help improve flexibility, reduce pain, and improve quality of life.
"I've been a Certified Fascia Stretch Therapist for eleven years. It has been an effective tool for helping my clients reduce pain, improve flexibility, and restore balance to their bodies." When applied for the purpose of improving flexibility, FST is recommended for several weekly sessions along with prescribed daily homework exercises. |
Orthopedic MassageOrthopedic massage is a therapeutic approach used to address specific musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain. In some cases the client's pain is caused by muscular imbalance, in other cases it could be caused by nerve impingement or something else. Orthopedic massage offers detailed assessment and an individualized approach to restoring healthy movement and function to muscles, other soft tissues, and joints.
"I use Orthopedic Massage techniques to alleviate shoulder dysfunction, tendinitis, nerve impingement, along with other conditions causing pain and dysfunction. Whether I use Medical Acupuncture, FST, or Orthopedic Massage, my client typically will stay clothed for the assessment and treatment - this allows for a timely transition from assessment to treatment to re-assessment, it makes for a very effective treatment, and is typically more comfortable for the client." |